Audio Outlook: We’re In This Together

A note from our Co-CEO, Cathy Csukas

First and foremost, I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. We have entered uncharted territory in not just the advertising space, but the entire world. I wanted to take a moment to address what we’re doing, what that means for you, and how we can help.

We are a tight-knit team here, so the safety of our staff and their loved ones is a top priority. For their continued health and welfare, we have moved our main NYC offices to a remote work environment and will continue to operate this way for the foreseeable future.

Our entire staff is fully equipped to work remotely so that means you will experience no interruption in day-to-day business. As part of our commitment to delivering exceptional customer service, we are hard at work to ensure your ad campaigns run smoothly and every request is handled swiftly.

While we adjust to our new realities, more than ever we will need audio to keep us informed, connected, and entertained. There have been a number of positive reports on the short-term impact on listening; I'm optimistic that the medium will be a vital part of our future.

Radio has always played an important role in times of crisis. A recent Nielsen study found that over 8 in 10 American adults plan to spend the same or more time with radio as a result of COVID-19. Even as listeners migrate to their work-from-home routines, radio will continue to be a resource for providing trustworthy information and news updates.

The reveal of Edison’s Infinite Dial delivered new data on how audio continues to positively impact our lives. We can thank the rise of smart speakers for bringing audio back into our homes in a big way. Now, 76% of Americans have a radio, smart speaker, or both in their homes.

Podcasting also saw significant growth this year as monthly listeners grew from 32% of the 12+ U.S. population in 2019 to 37% in 2020. For the first time, monthly listening has surpassed the 100 million milestone.

With more social distancing and fewer live events, what will the impact be on podcast listening? Podcasting’s intimate nature has a unique ability to connect with listeners, and podcasters have forged engaged communities around their content. We don’t see listening slowing down anytime soon as audiences seek screen time alternatives and a stronger sense of community.

Audio will continue to serve audiences, whether it’s to provide a sense of normalcy, a distraction, provide necessary information, or a lifeline. And for advertisers, audio will continue to be an effective tool for reaching the audiences at scale through radio, or intimately through podcasts.

Advertising during this climate

Consumer habits have changed practically overnight and will continue to change in the months to come. The economy is going to need marketers to boost consumer confidence by communicating value and building trust.

Brands need to be nimble as well as flexible. When it comes to changing gears in advertising strategy and messaging, audio has an advantage. We’re here to help with solutions - whether that’s working with our broadcast partners or podcast hosts on adjustments in messaging or reassessing current advertising plans - to ensure your campaign is striking the right tone.

Resources for the buying community

If you’ve found yourself with some extra time, feel free to get reacquainted with our podcast buying guide to brush up on the basics of podcast advertising. You can also check out the AdLarge Trending blog or Team cabana blog for best practices and the latest research.

Need more guidance? Our team is always available via video conference to demo all of our audio capabilities.

We’re all in this together. Being good partners during this time of uncertainty means holding ourselves to a higher standard: being accountable, transparent, and supportive. We thank all of our advertising partners for their continued business and our content partners for their trust in us.

Stay healthy and remember we’re always a phone call or email away if you need anything.


Co-CEO, AdLarge/cabana

AudioCarlos Williams